Coastr – MySpace for beer

Hello internet, its Sean. Please stop removing “e’s” to be trendy and “Web 2.0.” Thanks.
Now that we have that out of the way, Coastr is social networking on the premise of cataloging beers. Beer, of course, is an essential and stereotypical college staple. The premise of Coastr is to take beer to the next millennium, by allowing users to sign up and list their favorite beers and places to drink. All of the beers and bars get their own interlinked pages filled with comments and user ratings.
However the coolest feature is seeing bars in your area and what other people think about them. Sadly, Philadelphia is a bit lacking, but if this site catches on I can imagine checking Coastr for a new dive.
Now I don’t like beer all that much, but I never realized how many kinds there were. As a
recent commercial stated: It is the age of the microbrewery. Coastr has a huge list of beer types if you are looking to pickup a new brew as well.
While not all that much now, Coastr could turn into to the goto place to fully explore the subculture of beer and beer connoisseurs. But I think it is about time the age of the microbrewery reaches the information age.
[tags]Coastr, Google Maps, beer, Web 2.0[/tags]