Back to school, old (but still usefull) CV2 posts

As you can tell by the lack of posting in the last two days, Temple has begun the fall semester. I imagine most of you have started school already as well. Below are some posts that can help:
Book Burro saves money, possibly lives
Don’t let your professor screw you
The best Firefox extensions for college students
Hack you colleges bandwidth limits
Never check your professor’s website
5 Things to do when the work piles up
Free alternatives for costly software
How to turn your xBox into a SNES (written by my brother)
And lastly I hope you check out my College 101 series if you are a freshmen.
Good luck everybody!
[tags]College v2, books, Firefox, Xbox[/tags]
August 30th, 2006 at 10:25 pm
Hey Sean, can you fix the links in this post? Thanks, and hope you get back to posting regularly!
August 30th, 2006 at 10:47 pm
sorry man, they should all be fixed
September 12th, 2006 at 1:25 pm
[…] Second is a number of posts from the collegeV2 blog. It’s a great site for all students, so be sure to check it out. Some of the more important posts include how to get cheap books for college and one really important post full of useful links for an assortment of back to school items. Certainly a feed no student should be without. […]
September 12th, 2006 at 3:45 pm
Heh — nope, they still mostly link to the XBox-to-SNES post.