The best use of RSS. Period.

I have had a few politics-related classes where the professor was a total dick.
He would condescend to the students like we were all 5-year-olds. This is laregly because students, and young people in general, have a bad rap for apathy when it comes to politics and voting (some times this is deserved, some times – not so much).
If you find it hard to stay on top of politics, The Washington Post now has a page that allows you to track any senators vote by RSS feed.
Now you can keep abreast of your representative in the Senate easier than ever. And next time some professor (or anyone) wants to accuse you of not caring, throw some votes in his face, then call his mother a whore.
Just go to The Washginton Post’s list of Seantors and click on yours.
In your Senators profile you’ll see the XML logo.
This will send every vote straight to your reader and allow you to stay on top of your congress as easy as checking your email.
[tags]Congress, RSS, XML, Senate[/tags]
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September 29th, 2006 at 9:16 pm
[…] College v2 – helping you survive college » Blog Archive » The best use of RSS. Period. “Now you can keep abreast of your representative in the Senate easier than ever. And next time some professor (or anyone) wants to accuse you of not caring, throw some votes in his face, then call his mother a whore.” (tags: politics rss feed web2.0) […]